Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Google Spreadsheets is out !

Yeah, I just got my hands on an account for Google Spreadsheets and have managed to put it through its paces. I do not intend to do an indepth comparison of Google Spreadsheets with MS Excel, I just want to try to use the spreadsheet to see if after so many years of using Excel I would be able to switch to something else.

Verdict: I think most of us can survive without Excel !

Google Spreadsheets is quite intuitive to use. It does take some adjustment for those of us who grew up using Excel. From my first looks, most of the usual formulae are there. Almost what you can do with Excel, you can likewise do with Google Spreadsheet. Click the title to this post to go to a very very short tour on how to use the tool, not much here but nonetheless enough is mentioned about the basic functionalities.

What I miss is the Format Painter tool which we can use to copy a format from a cell and then paint it on other cells which require the same format. I tend to use this quite a lot and I can't seem to find an equivalent in Google Spreadsheets.

Conclusion: Might not be suitable for the heavy financial or scientific kinds of applications. But will be able to meet most of the needs of everyday personal or business applications.

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