Sunday, May 28, 2006

Combining the use of and Squidoo

Want to know how to create dynamically updated fresh content for your Squidoo lenses? It was only today that I discovered a cool and interesting way to combine the use of and the Squidoo RSS module. This is how you do it:

Set-up and Configuration

1. Go to "your bookmarks" in and click on the tag that you are interested in (I assume you have already created your tag in

2. Go to the bottom of that page and find the RSS chicklet

3. Right click the chicklet and copy the link

4. Go to the Squidoo lens that you are interested in creating dynamic content for

5. Add a RSS module

6. Paste the RSS link that you copied in at 6.

7. Save the Squidoo module

This is what you do when you come across interesting articles on the internet

1. As you come across interesting articles on the internet, tag it using using the tag you selected earlier on

2. Also, ensure that you write a concise and brief note for the bookmark of the article that you have just tagged

3. Wella ! Everytime you tag an article with the tag you selected above, your Squidoo lens is automatically updated !

If you go to my Squidoo lens called "Hello I'm Chris", this technique was used to create the module called "The impact of the internet on our lives today".

Cool yah ?

1 comment:

ElToroGringo said...

Very nice post sir. Usefull and to the point, I love it.
