Thursday, May 04, 2006

What are lenses in Squidoo?

Interesting concept. Lenses are focused topics or subjects. Lensmasters use lenses to share what they know, highlight little- known lore, show off their skills and recommend resources to readers. Lensmasters can also make money via their lens building.

The following definition of lens can be found in the Squidoo Glossary of terms in SquidU:

Lens A single page built by a lensmaster; a set of handpicked, organized content about a single topic; a collection of modules pointing to content on a single topic; a page, a single page, that highlights one person’s personal view of the web -- not the whole web, just one tiny part of it.

Do take a look at the anatomy of a lens as well, it gives a very good overview of what a lens is supposed to be and what makes up a lens.

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