Saturday, May 06, 2006

The Official Squidoo Blog

Squid Blog. This is the official blog on Squidoo. Generally informative. In particular I like the article posted on April 18th, 2006 by Megan Casey entitiled "The Power of Personal Recommendation". Let me extract something which I like here:

And so the important thing here is what causes the action. What is the secret sauce behind every interaction? What’s the nudge, the lighted fire, the springboard, the jumpstart?

9 times out of 10, it’s recommendation. Recommendation is the fundamental, LCD of all the stuff you’re hearing a lot about these days: user-generated content, personalized search, filters…. Recommendation is what web 2.0 is all about.

Of course, the best recommendations are authentic and personal and trusted, which makes it easy for you to take action on them. That’s why we invite passionate people to make lenses on topics they know or care a lot about.

Some of our best lenses are about spreading ideas, awareness for issues, sharing advice, giving hobbyist how-to’s. Basically, great content from passionate communities. Recommendation from real people.

Yep, build your lenses, recommend to others resources about your area of expertise. I think this is what Web 2.0 all about, collective knowledge.

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