Friday, May 26, 2006

Making money from lenses in Squidoo

Oh well, if you have read my previous post you might be feeling that Squidoo won't work at all. Nonetheless, I believe I am still a Squidoo addict. It may not earn people much, so if you are thinking of making mega-bucks online on Squidoo, you might be better off doing something else.

But did you know you can make at least some money by developing lenses in Squidoo ? Share what you know, talk about a topic you care about -- and maybe make a little money along the way. Interesting isn't it?

Similar to most affiliate programs, the Squidoo co-op gives you the chance to earn royalties from your lenses. With a twist: You can choose whether to pocket the proceeds, contribute to a group charity fund or donate to a specific cause.

The official lensmaster training guide, SquidU actually lists 8 tips for making more money from lenses. Just make sure you have an account in Squidoo, and that you have created a lens, then follow the link in the title to this blog posting to SquidU where the team from Squidoo shares about how to generate revenue using your lenses.

Do let me know how it works out for you !

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