Wednesday, May 17, 2006

The Nokia 770 Press Conference

Yep, this is the latest news on the Nokia 770 from the official Nokia press conference on this new internet tablet gadget.

Now, its not a smartphone. Neither is it a ultra-portable laptop. So what good is it? Well, in my own opinion, I love it because whenever I just want to get onto the web to check my webmail, my RSS feeds, the performance of my websites, etc. etc., I just:

a. Do not like to use a smartphone because ITS TOO SMALL. The screen real estate does not do justice to internet surfing.

b. Do not like to use a laptop because IT TAKES TOO LONG TO BOOT UP. Have you ever got into the situation where you just need to get onto the internet, but then you open you laptop, press the power button, wait for windows to boot up, launch your explorer ...... .well you get the idea.

So there ! I just want to get my hands on this Nokia 770, and it has GoogleTalk even. Just take a look at these photos of the device !


Anonymous said...


I find my Nokia 770 really useful for reading news. But, I wonder whether adding VOIP will be useful. I don't know about Singapore, but in the UK public Wi-Fi is really expensive!? I posted my thoughts in Nokia 770 raw but indispensable


Christopher Yeo said...

Hi Steve,

Fortunately, there are many hotspots or WiFi spots around in Singapore these days which are free. They can be found in McDonalds, StarBucks, and many shopping malls arounf the island. I find it very useful for me because I communicate with my team members around the world via Skype or Google Talk.

I like your thoughts, allow me to link from my blog to yours. Thanks.
